General Benefits of Regular Massage:
- Reduces the effects of fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism).
- Helps dissolve fibrositis (muscle knots).
- Strengthens muscles after fractures and injuries.
- Prevents bedsores in paralyzed patients.
- Relaxes scars and surgery marks.
- Breaks down mucus in the lungs, aiding natural breathing.
- Helps the skin remain elastic and youthful.
- Assists in thinning the blood, reducing the risk of stroke.
- Provides relief from muscle and connective tissue pain.
- Prevents and relieves muscle cramps and spasms.
- Nourishes and strengthens bones.
- Prevents and helps dissolve calcification in joints.
- Prevents and relieves constipation and gas.
- Accelerates blood circulation, opens blood vessels, and relaxes the heart.
- Speeds up lymph circulation, prevents, and helps relieve edema.
- Strengthens the immune system and helps build resistance against diseases.
- Aids in the elimination of accumulated waste materials in the body (detox).
- Reduces physical and mental tension caused by stress.
- Helps alleviate disorders such as fatigue and insomnia.
- Promotes harmony within the body's systems.
- Reduces stress, provides tranquility, and deep calm, bringing peace.
- Helps the individual think more calmly and wisely.